Improving Access, Affordability and Outcomes
For more than 30 years, Dr. Miller has been helping accelerate health, health care, and life sciences improvements through analysis, advocacy and communications. As a trusted and knowledgeable expert, he has worked with public and private sector leaders in large and small organizations to achieve their objectives.
In January 2025 he published a book to help people have productive conversations with misinformed people. The goals of the book are to reduce friction in relationships, improve public health, increase vaccination rates, promote civil community discussions, and enable more economic growth.

Services & Capabilities
- Communications
» Public Speaking Coaching & Training
. Summary of Services & Case Studies and Testimonials
» Creating Presentations & Speechwriting
» Writing Reports, White Papers, Comment Letters & Briefing Materials - Policy & Advocacy
» Analytical & Synthetic Problem Solving
» Prioritizing Needs & Opportunities
» Strategic & Tactical Guidance
» Advocacy & Government Affairs
» Mentoring & Advising - Project Management
» Program Creation & Implementation
» Coalition Formation & Management
» Event Production & Management
» Strategic Planning
» Surgical Project Execution
» Facilitation & Education
Helping Clients Achieve Desired Results and Outcomes
Dr. Miller makes changes happen by analyzing clinical, scientific, economic, stakeholder, and policy aspects of health care and life sciences issues, and then synthesizing and translating that information into client and project specific knowledge-based strategies and executable tactics. [See Case Studies]
Projects have involved new financing and delivery models, reimbursement practices, government programs, telehealth, IP protection, and innovations for specific clinical conditions and populations to achieve measurable clinical and economic outcomes.
Data » Knowledge » Results
Structures » Processes » Outcomes
Understanding different stakeholder perspectives is crucial for health care and life sciences initiatives. Dr. Miller integrates the roles, concerns, and needs of patients, clinicians, provider organizations, businesses, local and national governments, and community-based organizations into strategies and tactics for improving health, health care markets, and outcomes.
“Mike helped me prepare for our annual event, and his coaching and support was very helpful. …I now realize how important – and beneficial – it is to set aside time to rehearse with someone and to practice on my own. Mike’s advice and guidance was invaluable.” CEO, Patient Advocacy Non-Profit
“Your helpful guidance [in preparing for the Vaccine Summit] ensured well-crafted talking points and strategies. I look forward to working with you again very soon!” Commander, Public Health Service/HHS
“Having received coaching in the past on public speaking you gave me the opportunity to refresh some of those lessons as well as new insights.” [And some specific things I learned that will be useful to me included] “preparation time (shorter presentations may be harder to plan and prepare for) and techniques for practicing.” VP, Clinical Science & Technology
“[The best part of the session for me was] coming to understand where I currently stand in my public speaking ability and how much more I could expand.” [And] “I think your authenticity spoke to me that we don’t have to be anything but ourselves, and that this is where the magic begins!” VP, Human Resources
“Amazing is all I can say. You are the first person who could speak to [the] ACA in [ways] which people listened and engaged. You kept the room full!.” Beth Battaglino, CEO HealthyWomen
“Great job distilling an extremely complicated topic into a presentation that my students could understand. It really got them thinking and will give us a lot to unpack during our next class.” Brian Carter, Teacher, Walker School Science Policy Class
“Long-time [good] troublemaker.” Tom Scully, former CMS Administrator
“Thank you for all the work you and your team at NGA did to facilitate the event in Nashville. We will long remember the NGA-NAM summit as a seminal event. I look forward to further work together.” John Dreyzehner, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Health
“I wish to add my thanks once again for the exceptional effort reflected in your February 19, 2015, presentation to our financial policy students. I understand from [Professor] Barry Clendenin that the specific attention to Medicaid, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act’s costs and benefits offered valuable and timely perspectives to our students as they analyze financial questions affecting the Federal and State Governments. We appreciate the quality and thoroughness of your lectures and the enthusiasm reflected in your interactions with the class members. We are grateful for you continuing support for our students, and the public policy experience you bring to our classroom.” Mark Rozell, Acting Dean, George Mason University School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs
“…“Mike, the [Culture of Health] talk went well. It fits in with the [Global Forum on Leadership, Learning and Strategic Change’s] Action Learning process…… Thanks again.” Thomas M. Gorrie PhD, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Board Member, Former Johnson & Johnson V.P. of Government Affairs and Policy
“Your comments about the role of increased treatment utilization in driving the need for comprehensive Medicare reform were very important and underscored for our group the complexity of the problem facing the healthcare system.” Connie Trump, Associate Director, Knoll, and Co-Chair AACE Corporate Advisory Board
“…thank you for your contribution to our panel discussion at the HMO Alliance meeting. This session was well received by our CEOs, Medical Directors and Pharmacy Directors…. our sincere thanks for helping to make this meeting one of our best ever.” Dana McCormick, Director of Care Innovations, The HMO Alliance
“Your insight into the prescription drug issues will be of great assistance to the Committee as we work to address this national problem in a comprehensive manner.” John D. Rockefeller IV, United States Senator
“The majority of our audience members came prepared to dispute your position on the cost of prescription drugs. You made a most effective presentation, with concrete facts, and gave our audience a lot to think about.” Arima Freas, President, Manhattan Borough-Wide Inter-Agency Council On Aging
“Mike is an excellent writer and a very good editor.”Steven Grossman, Executive Director, The FDA Alliance (now the Alliance for a Stronger FDA)
“Thank you for the fabulous grand rounds at Caritas Carney Hospital yesterday. You obviously put a great deal of time and thought into presenting to us; your lecture was a remarkable overview of so many issues affecting our health care system today! You have a great mind to be able to have both the comprehension to understand these concepts, and the ability to synthesize numerous trends and ideas into an integrated presentation. Two of the best compliments to you are 1) docs stayed until the end of grand rounds and 2) our new insights inspired conversations and debates in hospital halls and offices all day long!” Mary Lou Ashur, MD