A Few Photos and 3 Videos

Highlights of Presentation at World Vaccine Congress in April 2024
“How to Reverse Misinformation in Your Social Circles & Communities”

Video Interview with Jeff Sandman about Comparative Effectiveness Research.
(April 2009)

Video Interview for the Rx for Excellence Leaders in Quality Award from the Massachusetts Medical Law Report. (October 2008)

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Guest Lecture at Brown University Political Science Class

Discussing healthcare policy and politics with Brown University political science class
(March, 6, 2003)

 Brown University Political Science Class Guest Lecture

Discussing national health reform initiatives with Brown University students while holding HR 3600 the “Health Security Act,” the 1364 page bill developed by the Health Care Reform Task Force that was introduced November 20, 1993 “To ensure individual and family security through health care coverage for all Americans in a manner that contains the rate of growth in health care costs and promotes responsible health insurance practices, to promote choice in health care, and to ensure and protect the health care of all Americans.”

[Note Health Security Card on table in front of water bottle.  Back of Card reads:

“This Health Security Card Guarantees
You A Comprehensive Package of Benefits
That Can Never Be Taken Away”
(March 6, 2003)

Dean Hardingan NOVA University Guest Lecture

Dr. William D. Hardigan, Nova Southeastern University’s Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Dr. Michael D. Miller, guest speaker for ““Finding Cures for Heart Disease Through Innovative Pharmaceutical Research,”

Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL
(February 8, 2001)

NOVA University Students after Guest Lecture

Two Nova Southeastern University pharmacy students and Dr. Michael D. Miller, following his presentation on “Finding Cures for Heart Disease Through Innovative Pharmaceutical Research,”
(February 8, 2001)

Panelist at Veterans Health Event in Washington DC

“Quality Health Care: The Right Drug for the Right Patient at the Right Time,” Foundation for Veterans’ Healthcare, “Veterans Healthcare: A New Millennium, A New Administration, A New Approach?” Washington, DC (May 11, 2000)

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